Advantage Arrest - Todays dental

Are you anxious about experiencing the discomfort of a cavity? At Dentist in Bowie, we understand your concerns and strive to provide you and your children with the best possible dental care. That’s why we offer Advantage Arrest, a better and gentler alternative to traditional cavity fillings. Discover the advantages of this non-invasive treatment option and maintain optimal oral health with us.

The Problem with Cavities: Discovering and Treating Them

When cavities are discovered, it often brings disappointment and concern about receiving the right treatment. In addition to eradicating tooth decay through drilling, the discomfort of receiving local anesthesia injections can be overwhelming. However, with Advantage Arrest, we provide a solution that eliminates the need for local anesthesia and drilling, ensuring a more comfortable experience.

How Advantage Arrest Works: Active Ingredients for Effective Cavity Treatment

Advantage Arrest consists of two active ingredients: silver diamine and fluoride. These powerful components work together to combat oral bacteria and prevent further decay.

Silver Diamine: A Powerful Antimicrobial Agent

Silver diamine has antimicrobial properties that effectively kill harmful oral bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease. It also prevents the formation of plaque, a biofilm that contributes to bacterial growth.

Fluoride: Strengthening and Preventing Demineralization

Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps prevent the demineralization of teeth, which can lead to decay and wearing. By incorporating fluoride into Advantage Arrest, we enhance the strength and resistance of your teeth against acid produced by bacteria.

Application of Advantage Arrest: A Comfortable and Non-Invasive Procedure

Administering Advantage Arrest is a straightforward and painless process. Here’s what you can expect during your treatment:

  1. Brushing and rinsing your teeth to ensure cleanliness.
  2. Isolating and drying the affected teeth.
  3. Removing excess debris from the isolated teeth.
  4. Applying a micro brush dipped in a drop of silver diamine fluoride to the cavity for approximately two minutes.
  5. Removing any excess silver diamine fluoride.
  6. Advising you not to eat or drink for at least one hour following the treatment.

The Effects of Advantage Arrest: Immediate Relief and Lasting Protection

Advantage Arrest delivers instant relief by addressing tooth hypersensitivity, eliminating harmful oral bacteria, and strengthening dentin. This makes your teeth more resistant to acid produced by bacteria and reduces the risk of abrasion.

While Advantage Arrest may cause temporary staining in the areas that require attention, it will not stain healthy and strong teeth.

Proven Success: Silver Diamine Fluoride and its History of Effective Cavity Treatment

Silver diamine fluoride has a proven track record of resolving harmful oral bacteria and treating cavities in countries like Australia, China, and Japan for several decades. In Japan, it has been in use for over eight decades, undergoing twelve clinical trials that have demonstrated its admirable performance. Originally designed to alleviate dental hypersensitivity, it was later discovered to be a valuable tool in the prevention and treatment of cavities.

Your Trusted Dentist in Bowie: Providing Advanced and Non-Invasive Dental Techniques

At Dentist in Bowie, we are dedicated to offering the best possible dental services using advanced and non-invasive techniques. We prioritize your comfort and employ Advantage Arrest to treat cavities effectively. In rare cases where alternative treatments are necessary to achieve the best outcomes, we will discuss them with you.

Contact us today for more information on Advantage Arrest and our commitment to helping you achieve and maintain optimal oral health with our non-invasive dental techniques.

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