Scaling and cleaning of your mouth :

If you have dirty , stained teeth with heavy mineralised deposits and have complaints of bad breath then this article is for you ! Please just stick with us and you’ll be knowing within few minutes that you need to book your appointments because you are definitely in trouble ! 

Scaling or cleaning of the teeth is a process in which removal of plaque, calculus and debris from the tooth is done by periodontal scalers . People who have the above mentioned complaints with stained teeth , heavy calculus bad breath need scaling very badly as it helps in maintaining your oral hygiene . 

So basically , scaling helps in removal of the dental plaque or calculus which gets deposited if oral hygiene is not maintained . These plaque and Calculus houses lakhs of bacterias and microorganisms which contains toxin substances and if released by them then causes inflammation and periodontal problems in future so to get rid of these deposits is the key to healthy gums and gingiva. 

So, how is this scaling and cleaning of your teeth done ? 

Scaling can be done by two ways either by hand instruments which takes a lot of time as is done manually by the dentist by instruments but is very efficient way of getting rid of the bacteria and microorganisms. Another method is by electronic devices such as Sonic scalers , ultrasonic scalers which are power driven and uses vibrations to remove these deposits .they vibrate at a very high frequency and are very fast and less irritable for the patients . Moreover it saves time of both the dentists and the patient so is a very efficient choice . 

The aerosols produced by scalers are a problem as if the patients carry any infective disease then the aerosols produced by scalers can be infective for other patients and mainly the dentists. So ultrasonic scalers are used less in such cases than hand instruments but again the frequency of soft tissue injuries is less in ultrasonic scalers as compared  to hand instruments because the scalers requires less pressure.

Nowadays dental lasers are in market which are used for scaling and many other treatment procedure as they are much more efficient and saves the time of both the patient and the dentist.

We at today’s dental provide you a good and friendly environment for your treatment procedure so book your appointments now for scaling and cleaning of your mouth as we provide the best expertise you can experience. 

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